Friday, January 8, 2016


I've decided to post a short story I wrote several months back...for those of you who have already read it, I apologize. ;) For those of you who haven't, I hope it is thought provoking...our Saviour truly has done so much for us. He's lifted us from the very lowest of the low, to--well, royalty!! God is good. 


I hesitated, then lifted my hand to take His, offered to assist me down the last step of the sweeping staircase. Everything melted into slow motion—the glittering richness from the fireplace and chandeliers adorning the great hall. The swirling rainbow of lace, pearls, jewels, and cascading trains of the dancers. The festive lilt of the musicians’ instruments, mingling with the tinkle of pure crystal goblets. But only one thing froze motionless in the mesmerizing tapestry of beauty before me; His hand—strong, warm, inviting, open to receive mine. I felt small and fragile in His presence. I stepped down, and as he gently led me toward the dais—reserved for royalty alone— an overwhelming sense of unworthiness gripped me. I slowed and noticed the bemused glances being bestowed on us. He paused and leaned down to me. “Heed them not. Only come.” He whispered. Together we ascended to the place of highest privilege, and a great hush gradually settled over the onlookers. “Lords and ladies of the court,” He began, “I present to you our honored guest. Some of you may recognize her as a prisoner recently condemned for crimes against our King.” I hung my head in shame even as my heart leaped joyously in anticipation of His next words. “She is condemned no longer! I have personally paid the ultimate cost for her redemption; she stands before you tonight as just and honorable as I myself.” I raised my head, eyes filling, as the crowd lifted their voices in praise for the One who had set me free. The Prince of Peace turned to me, and with his gaze overflowing with ancient wisdom and love, He said to me—a convict turned princess—“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed!”


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