To my precious son...
May God grow in you the deep spiritual walk of Enoch, keeping close by the side of The Lord.
May you have the perseverance of Noah, working for long years on a God-appointed task.
May you have the faith of Abraham, waiting on God through seemingly hopeless circumstances.
May you have the integrity of Joseph, choosing holiness no matter the temptation.
May you have the meekness of Moses, humbling yourself to be used of God greatly.
May you have the valour of Joshua, leading courageously when the time is right.
May you have the heart of David, singing praises to God all the days of your life.
May you have the wisdom of Solomon, discerning right from wrong.
May you have the prayer life of Nehemiah, turning to the God of heaven in all circumstances, good or bad.
May you have the patience of Job, trusting God's hand even in the darkest of adversities.
May you have the steadfastness of Isaiah, preaching the Word to a hard hearted people.
May you have the faithfulness of Daniel, not wavering though all about you may change.
May you have the gentleness of John, mingling humility and compassion with strength.
May you have the boldness of Peter, holding fast the Word of God despite past mistakes.
May you have the zeal of John the Baptist, working to prepare others for Christ's message.
May you have the passion of Paul, reaching as many with the Gospel as you possibly can.
May you have the teachable spirit of Timothy, learning from others more grounded in the Word than yourself.
May you have the mind of Christ in all things, looking for the day when you'll see Him face to face.
To my dear daughter (if ever God blesses me with one! :)
May you have the strength of Sarah, bearing your children as gifts from the hand of God.
May you have the trust of Rachel, accepting God's leading in the area of the man you will marry.
May you have the faith of Rahab, believing God's promises even when you don't fully understand.
May you have the patience of Hannah, waiting on God to fulfill the desires of your heart.
May you have the hospitality of the woman of Shunem, providing for the needs of the people of God.
May you have the peacemaking heart of Abigail, using your influence to encourage good relationships in those around you.
May you have the inner beauty of Esther, shining your light to everyone who spends time with you.
May you grow towards the ideal of the Proverbs 31 woman, nourishing your heart, your husband, and your home with joyful skill.
May you have the quietness of Mary, choosing to be still and linger at the Saviour's feet.
May you have the servant's heart of Martha, working hard when the time for hard work is right.
May you have the loyalty of Mary Magdalene, following after your Lord at all times.
May you have the faith of the woman healed of the issue of blood, trusting that God is able to do the greatest of miracles through the smallest acts of trust.
May you have the boldness of the woman at the well, telling others of the One who gave you salvation.
May you have the encouraging heart of Priscilla, serving God alongside your husband, even in hard times.
May you have the mind of Christ in all things, looking for the day when you'll see Him face to face.
For those of you who have not yet heard, Luke and I are expecting our second baby this October! He or she is due on our third anniversary (Oct. 12), and we are so excited to be welcoming a new baby into our family. As I carry this little one, I have been thinking more and more about my responsibility to my children as they grow into more knowledge. How I earnestly pray that they will be stronger in The Lord than I am, and that they will continue to grow even if a time comes that I can't teach them the way I would want to!