Friday, September 29, 2017

Fun Post: August and September Favorites

Hooray! Another Favorites post! :) Also, Happy National Coffee day to all my followers. May your coffee be strong, dark, creamy and satisfying. ;)

I like to do favorites posts once a month, but as it was around September 15th before I realized that I hadn't done one for August, I decided to postpone it. ;) My next few months are going to be insanely busy, (more on that to come), so I may end up posting much less frequently even than I did in the summer. I hope not, but it may turn out that way. :/ Thank you for understanding!! Without further ado, some of my summer favorites! I've been:

Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery. (She is most known for her Anne of Green Gables series). Personally, though so far I've only read the first book in this trilogy, I'm not sure why the Emily books are not considered as much of a classic as the Anne books are! Sweet, relatable characters, awesome vocabulary, fantastic plots...what more can you ask for? ;)

The Walls are Talking by former abortion clinic worker, Abby Johnson. This book is heartbreaking in every way. And yet so, so important. Though this book is grievous to read at any age, I don't recommend it for younger readers. It is a collection of stories from many different clinic workers who left their work after realizing the horrors of what actually goes on inside those walls. They share their stories in honest, open ways, revealing from an insider's point of view how the abortion industry destroys and shatters the lives of the women it claims to be helping. I pray that the women who were brave enough to contribute find healing and redemption through Christ! Some already have, and it is so precious to hear their testimonies.

I started reading a few other books, but can't really recommend any of them, as I'm either not finished, or they turned out to be not my style. ;P

My kayak!! I got a used one from Craigslist, and have SO much enjoyed paddling down the Columbia. :) Wenatchee has TONS of riverfront parks open to the public, so it's easy to drop it in and run it down river a few miles, and just get picked up at another park dock! I enjoy being on the river so much. It is peaceful and quiet, (I stay fairly near the shore so there's no crazy currents ;). I love to stop paddling and just drift along for a while, enjoying the beauty. The kids have really loved being able to borrow it for rides as well!

Not as much as I should be. If I could, I would be working on my projects all day, but a little thing called life gets in the way. ;) I hope to tell you more about said projects soon, though!

Hanging out with...
Wolves. Yes, wolves. We took a trip to the fair on family day when most of the kids got in for free, and there was an animal show there. The guy had snakes, lizards, marsupials, birds of prey, and a cage with three wolves in it. He asked for a volunteer and I raised my hand. When he called me up there, he said, "Go get in the wolf cage." Allllrighty then. On it. ;P They do play rougher than dogs, which is to be expected, but what cooler way to have a hole torn in your skirt than by a wolf? :'D They had very beautiful eyes, and super soft, thick fur. It was definitely a fun thing to experience! Kourage enjoyed holding a few snakes, my mom and I got kissed by a lizard, and Malachi held a giant lizard. :) Pretty cool all around!

Travelling to...
Sumas, Washington for a ladies' retreat with my church women. Last year it was so fun and special, so I had high expectations for this year. I was not disappointed! From absolutely decadent food, to Garden of Eden worthy landscape, trails, and flowers at the retreat center, to staying up until 3:15 talking, to convicting was amazing. It was such a blessing to spend time with friends and sisters in Christ, some of whom I only see a few times a year. Even the long drive over was fun, being able to talk with the ladies from Blessed Hope without small ones around. ;) Plus, my grandma was in Canada at the time, only 8 miles from the retreat center, and was able to stop in for a couple hours!! I hope this retreat goes on to become a cherished tradition! :)

Excited (over the moon, elated, thrilled, exuberant) about...
The missions trip coming up. ;) I am so happy to see things coming together, tickets have been purchased, and music is being prepared. Also coming up in the next couple months are the following: my 21st birthday (on Wednesday! ;), Family Conference with some friends from Alaska, my parents travelling to a conference in North Dakota, the missions conference in Oak Harbor (a highlight of every year!), a missionary friend visiting and preaching for us, and Thanksgiving--early, since I'll be leaving for Fiji on Thanksgiving day. Whew! All of these things are so exciting! I am praying that God will do great things through them, and most of all, that I will keep the right focus through all of it. And that I won't become stressed or worried about the future. (Anyone else struggle with that?) I am truly looking forward to seeing how He will work in the many adventures that are coming up. :)

Going through...
God's Word in 90 days. As a countdown for the trip, I am going through the Bible in 3 months. Last year I did it in one, (see this post), and although I enjoyed doing that, it definitely is a bit easier going through it slower! :) I'm reading 15-20 chapters a day instead of around 35. I love the feeling of accomplishment as each book moves into the next, and reading about the thread of God's love and redemption plan that runs through the whole Bible. 

Thankful for...
Some extra work on the side with Amazon. That will be so helpful for the trip! God's guidance and direction. Good, uplifting music. A short camping trip with the family. Apples--tart, sweet, and crunchy. Marco's a video message app, and it's been so special for keeping in touch with my friend Kimberly, who is living in Taiwan until February!! :O Late night talks with friends. Somehow knowing that you can talk for a long time is so precious. :) Photoshoots with Miriam. I promise you, at least 75% of my phone pictures involve her in some way. ;P She's so CUTE though!!! Heavy blankets, as the nights are already getting chilly here. (I'm still not quite ready to let go of summer, though. October 1, I might pull out my boots. I renounce those people who start shrieking about pumpkin spice when it's still 80 degrees outside. XD) 

Well, that's it for today! What are some of your highlights from the last couple of months? Hope you have a lovely weekend! 


  1. Haha..somehow I knew you would know when National Coffee Day was! We have a calendar at the Ranch with all sorts of food holidays on it,and someone had Coffee Day circled twice. ;)

    I was never really able to relate to the character of Emily as a kid..perhaps I should give her a second chance. The other book you mentioned sounds very heartbreaking.. and truthful! :'(

    Did I tell you that Beth took me kayaking for the first time ever about a month ago? It was so much fun! I felt like I was gliding over the water.. :)

    I laughed so hard when I read about your fair experiences! Your family went to Predators of the Heart? We loved that show! It was our favorite performance at the fair, and we watched it so many times. But we never, never volunteered for anything. Bless your heart, you're exactly the type of person to shoot your hand up so that you could be kissed by a lizard. :P

    And yes, this someone definitely struggles with being "stressed or worried about the future." Constantly! You are certainly not alone! I am praying for you as you prepare for your trip!

    It's absolutely, positively, boot time here! And I'm already listening to Christmas music.. ;)

    1. Heh, heh...count on me to figure out when coffee day is. ;P (Actually, I only found out by accident on Instagram, so I can't claim any special knkowledge of holidays or anything. ;D)

      Emily's character is very intense, and she loves writing, both of which I relate to on a deep level, so that might be why I'm enjoying the books so much. L.M. Montgomery is a little bit overly dramatic sometimes, but I still really enjoy her books. :)

      Kayaking is amazing, isn't it?? I feel like they are much more stable than canoes, and you just slip over the water in your safe little bowl. ;) I enjoy it a lot!

      Yes! Predators of the Heart, I forgot the name!! It was lovely! :D Haha, yes, I volunteer at animal shows whenever possible. ;P (You know me! Always up for adventure. :D) And actually, I didn't volunteer for the lizard part, I just happened to be coming out of the wolf cage at the exact time that he got out the kissy lizard, and he stopped me. Ha.

      Thank you for your prayers, they are certainly appreciated!

      CHRISTMAS MUSIC YES YES YES I AM SO EXCITED FOR THAT. It's finally just now getting into boot weather here though. ;) Anyway, miss you! Hope to see you soon! <3

  2. Wow, you have a lot of busy stuff coming up!! I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun, though! And haha, I was so behind on reading blog posts that I didn't read this before I asked, that you did turn 21!

    1. Yes! All of it is really exciting stuff, for sure. :) And no worries, lol, I get really behind with blogs I follow too. ;D Yep, 21...I don't really feel much older yet. Maybe when I go out to buy a gun? ;P I have never owned one before because gun laws here are SUPER strict. (Thank you, liberal Washington. ;P) Have you ever been to the Pacific Northwest before? :)

    2. I haven't! I'm sure it's beautiful out there, though! And haha, you should move to Georgia because we have really good gun laws lol


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